General information
- All details (i.e. all positions, subheadings and subtotals) *) can be displayed/printed
- If subheadings and subtotals have been already added when creating an estimate, the option “Add Subtitle and Total” should not be used
Using the keyword “Collective invoice” (supplementary feature) in a PDF
- Specific details related to a position can be explicitly omitted by using the chargeable keyword “Collective invoice”
- Consequently, only subheadings and subtotals are printed
- The individual positions themselves, however, are not printed
- If you’re interested in adding this feature, then please contact
*) The option “Add Subtitle and Total” is only available if layout positions (i.e. “Subheading”, “Inserted Text”, “Subtotal”, “Page Break”, “Break / Balance”) are activated in your TEAMBOX.