General information
- To assign specific permissions to a role, you first have to create the role in “Admin”
- HINT: the roles should be created according to a permissions hierarchy (see the respective use case on roles for more information) – this will facilitate permissions administration as the most powerful roles will be displayed in the right-most column, with the least powerful roles in the left-most column.
- Go to “Admin” > “Permissions”
- Click the “>> select <<” dropdown
=> all activated TEAMBOX modules are displayed - Click the module you want to define permissions for, e.g. “Activities”
=> all the active roles are displayed (horizontally) as well as all permission options (vertically) - Check the boxes according to your permissions structure (e.g. permission “Resource Planning” only checked for specific roles)
=> HINT: blue check marksindicate specifically/manually checked permissions (e.g. “>> all <<”), greyed-out checks
indicate that for this role, all permissions have been assigned or that all roles have been assigned these permissions
- Once you’re finished assigning permissions, click “Save”
=> The permissions have been assigned to the role(s).