General information

“Messages” is an optional module and can be accessed by clicking the speech bubble symbol in the main navigation:

New, user-specific messages are created when certain TEAMBOX events trigger notification (to see the full list of triggering events follow the “Steps”_ below). Messages have different priorities which can be assigned to events (see _“Steps” below):

  • “high”: highly prioritzed messages are displayed as pop-ups throughout the TEAMBOX (e.g. time-tracking reminder), are added to a user’s Messages ‘blog’, highlighted and flagged (i.e. star icon) and will always stay in the top section of the list unless the flag is removed (i.e. star icon is clicked)
  • “middle”: these messages are added to a user’s Messages ‘blog’, highlighted and flagged (i.e. star icon) and will always stay in the top section of the list unless the flag is removed (i.e. star icon is clicked)
  • “low”: low priority messages are added to a user’s Messages ‘blog’ without highlighting and are gradually moved to the “Change log”


  1. Go to “Admin” > “Messages”
  2. To change the notification settings for specific roles, click the “Filter settings” dropdown and choose the role (or select “Default” to define standard settings for all users)
    1. HINT: the events which trigger notification are displayed below and grouped per module
  3. Expand the module of your choice (e.g. “Activities”) and assign message priorities per event (e.g. change priority to “high” for “A work package is … created”)
  4. Once you’re finished, click ‘Save’
    => The notification settings have been saved for the selected role(s).

PLEASE NOTE: in “Admin” > “Messages”, you can also up the priority for “Finances” > … to trigger confirmation by another person for a financial document/process (e.g. an outgoing invoice)