General info

  • “Messages” is an optional module and can be accessed by clicking the speech bubble symbol in the main navigation
  • New, user-specific messages are created when certain TEAMBOX events trigger notification
  • Messages have different priorities:
    • “high”: highly prioritzed messages are displayed as pop-ups throughout the TEAMBOX (e.g. time-tracking reminder), are added to a user’s Messages ‘blog’, highlighted and flagged (i.e. star icon) and will always stay in the top section of the list unless the flag is removed (i.e. star icon is clicked)
    • “middle”: these messages are added to a user’s Messages ‘blog’, highlighted and flagged (i.e. star icon) and will always stay in the top section of the list unless the flag is removed (i.e. star icon is clicked)
    • “low”: low priority messages are added to a user’s Messages ‘blog’ without highlighting and are gradually moved to the “Change log”