General information

Usually, a third-party invoice is created if the agency offers the services provided by a supplier as part of an estimate, but if the client pays the supplier him-/herself. Subsequently, the third-party service and cost is not included in the agency’s invoice.


  • In “Finances” > “Settings”: “Billing type” (click here for more details) is set to “Client pays third party invoices directly” or “Client pays third party invoices via agency”


  1. Go to “Finances” > “Incoming Invoice”
  2. Use the filtering options to select the relevant job the third party invoice should be connected with
  3. Next, you can either (1) click the button “New” at the end of the page or (2) drag and drop an invoice (such as a scanned copy of a receipt) onto the page to create a new incoming invoice
  4. A new window is opened in which you can specify several details:
    1. “Supplier” (HINT: you can quickly add a new supplier by clicking the green plus icon in the supplier text field) and “Invoice number” are mandatory
  5. (1) Select “Third party invoice” from the drop-down “Invoice type”
  6. (2) At the bottom of the page, specify “Cost type”, “Job” and the “Net amount”
  7. (3) Finally, click “Save”